A little journey of learning

building my first web site

I must admit that I've tried many of the available methods for creating my first web pages. I've had lots of trouble from the very inception. “Do I really have enough to share on the Web?”, I worried. I spent much time on-line struggling with web-building editors offered at the free hosting sites. The idiot-proof-ness of anything depends on the individual idio... ah, never mind. I also worried constantly about the time I was spending on those occasions: we have a modem and a relatively expensive internet connection.

My dear brother-in-law believed all along that I could manage, maybe even master HTML. Steve (a web designer by profession) patiently prescribed tutorials, suggested books for a beginner, and provided encouragement via email and an occasional phone call. He seemed certain that I could at least get as far as making my own simple web pages! I stubbornly held on to the belief that I could not, but despite this lack of confidence in my abilities, I was drawn back to the process again and again. Now I am even fascinated by Cascading Style Sheets, and my sites use them. A lot of the web building world still baffles me.

Even the WYSIWYG software (no single program created less angst than another...) seemed to thwart me. I never found the step-by-step method that made it easy for me. Steve kept reminding me that if I could learn the basics of HTML, I could start with a simple page and build on that.

A few weeks ago, something finally “clicked! ” I am still a medium-raw beginner, but I am armed with a few reference books, and tutorials printed out from the 'net (so I can take them to the bath tub or bed to peruse). Also, I've found a little sense of what I want to say to everybody.

Previously, I felt quite discouraged because I could be considered a “jack-of-all-trades-and-master-of-none. ” Though I have some training in a few diverse fields, I don't consider myself an expert at really anything! Isn't there always more to learn in life?

The gist of this is a little advice: whatever you can and will share, whatever is your passion, floats yer boat, turns your crank, makes you go mmmh, you should write about! Of course if it doesn't exploit or otherwise harm anybody.

I hope that this sharing of myself, and my work to make other people's knowledge available will enhance your life somehow. It would be nice to think I've provided some encouragement, help, and/or humour to YOUR journey!

I'm practically useless for web site building help, but if you want to email me about anything at all you see on my pages, I'll be happy to hear from you. Feedback, positive or not, is welcome.

This background is made from a photo of our strawberry field with the Cariboo Mountains beyond.


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..psst...I know there are a few pages on this site that really suck; please check back often for improvements!